Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Nama : Martina Asti Riwi Hartanti
NPM : 15209774
Kelas : 4EA17


Rumus Question Tags
- Bila pernyataan positif Questin Tag negatif
- Bila pernyataan negatif Questin Tags positif

A. Kalimat-kalimat menggunakan to be ( am, are, is, was, were )
a. I am as fat as he, aren’t I ?
I am not as fat as he, am I ?

b. You are government officer, aren’t you ?
You are not government officer, are you ?

c. He is a doctor, isn’t he ?
He is not a doctor, is he ?

d. She was late this morning, wasn’t she ?
She was not late this morning, was she ?

e. They were here last night, weren’t they ?
They were not here last night, were they ?

B. Kalimat-kalimat dengan kata kerja ( verb) Question Tagnya menggunakan do, does, did sesuai dengan tense dari kalimat itu sendiri
a. Last night you spent the night at the hotel, didn’t you ?
Last night you didn’t spent the night at the hotel, did you ?

b. Johan and Mary went to they party together, didn’t they ?
Johan and Mary didn’t go to they party together, did they ?

c. I look pale, don’t I ?
I don’t look pale, do I?

d. She goes to school by bus, doesn’t she ?
She doesn’t go to school by bus, does she ?

f. The student like English, don’t they ?
The student don’t like English, do they ?

C. Kalimat-kalimat dengan auxiliaries ( can, may, must, will,, should, would, here, has, had ) Question Tagnya dibentuk dengan mengulangi kembali auxiliary tersebut .

a. You father can speak English Fluently, cann’ he ?
You father can not speak English Fluently, can he ?

b. We may go home now, mayn’t we ?
We may not go home now, may we ?

c. They will invite us , won’t they ?
They will not invite us , will they

d. He must study English , mustn’t he ?
He must not study English , must he ?

e. Children should obey their parent , shouldn’t they ?
Children shouldn’t obey their parent , should they ?

g. We ought to study harder, oughtn’t we ?
We ought not to study harder, ought we ?

h. Father has left, hasn’t he ?
Father hasn’t left, has he ?

i. They have been there many times, haven’t they ?
They haven’t been there many times, have they ?

j. She had better go there, hadn’t she ?
She had better not go there, had she ?

k. He would rather stay home, would n’t he ?
He wouldn’t rather stay home, would he ?

D. Untuk Idiomatic expression used to Question tag-nya dibentuk dengan did dan auxiliary have to / has to dibentuk dengan do, does.

a. He used to live here, didn’t he ?
He didn’t use to live here, did he ?

b. We have to practise our English, don’t we?
We don’t have to practise our English, do we?

c. He has to study grammar, doesn’t he ?
He doesn’t have to study grammar, does he ?

E. Untuk kalimat Imperative, Question Tag dibentuk dengan menggunakan will you dan shall we.
a. Stop the noise, will you ?
Come and see me tomorrow, will you ?

b. Let me have a look, will you ?
Let me read it for you, will you ?

c. Let’s go for a walk, shall we ?
Let’s go shopping, shall we ?


Counditional Sentence terdiri dari bagian kalimat yaitu Induk kalimat ( Main Cllause ) dan anak kalimat ( Sub Clause ) dengan if ( = seandainya ) Dalam bahasa Inggris kalimat pengandaian dibagi dalam 3 type yaitu :

1. Future Possible ( kemungkinan di masa yang akan datang ) untuk type ini susunan kalimatnya adalah sebagi berikut :
- Induk Kalimat ( Main Clause ) - Simple Future Tense
- Anak Kalimat ( If Clause ) - Simple Present Tense

a. If you study hard, you will pass the examination
b. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.
c. If I go to England, I will visit Buckingham palace
d. I will a car if I have much money
e. He will tell you if he knows the answer.

Unless – if not ( = jika tidak )

Unless digunakan untuk menggantiikan If not
a. If you don’t take an umbrella. You will get wet.
Unless you take an umbrella. You will get wet
b. If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the examination
Unless you study hard, you won’t pass the examination
c. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I will go for a swim.
Unless it rains tomorrow, I will go for a swim.
d. No one will come to the door if he doesn’ ring the bell
No one will come to the door unless he rings the bell
e. We will be late if we don’t leave now
We will be late unless we leave now

2. Present Unreal ( berlawanan dengan kenyataan sekarang ) untuk type ini sususnan kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut :
Digunakan untuk menytakan suatu keadaan yang berbeda/berlawanan dengan kenyataan dimasa sekarang. Susunan kalimatnya sebagai berikut
a. Induk Kalimat ( Main Clause ) - Past Future Tense )
b. Anak Kalimat ( If Clause ) - Simple Past Tense
a. If you studied hard, you would pass the examination
( You don’t study hard )
b. If I had a car, I would take a trip to Bali.
( I don’t have a car )
c. If my father knew how to drive. He would buy a car.
( My Father doesn’t know to drive )
d. I would eat Japanese food if I live in Japan.
( I don’t live in Japan ).
e. He would buy a new house if he had much money
f. ( He doesn’t have much money )

Jika anak kalimat ( if clause ) dinyatakan dengan to be, maka kita menggunakan were untuk kesemua subject ( I were , You were, He were etc. )

a. If I were the moon, you would be the star.
b. If I were a bird, I would flay all over the world.
c. If he were not busy this time, he would help you

3. Past Unreal ( berlawanan dengan kenyataan masa lampau ) untuk type ini sususnan kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Induk Kalimat ( Main Clause ) - Past Future Prefect Tense
b. Anak Kalimat ( If Clause ) - Past Perfect Tense.

a. If he had gone to the concert last night, he would have seen Mary.
( He didn’t go to the concert )
b. If I had seen you yesterday, I would have told you about it.
( I didn’t see you yesterday ).
c. If the weather had been fine yesterday, we would have gone for a swim.
( The weather was bad yesterday )
d. If you had told her the truth, she wouldn’t have been angry.
( You didn’t tell her the truth )
e. If I had receive you message, I would have come at once
( I didn’t receive you message )

III. So and Such
So ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), atau noun phrase yang diawali dengan determiner many, much, few, dan little.

a. She swims so beautifully.
b. They are so creative and active.
c. I want to share so many stories.
d. The rain was so heavy.
e. The little girl was crying so loudly.
f. The boys were so noisy we had to shut the door.
g. Lance was very interested in art so he visited the art gallery.
h. The weather was so wonderful.
i. I'm so excited that you are getting married.
j. There was a lot of free time left so I took a tour of the city.

Such diikuti oleh singular noun dengan artikel a atau plural noun.
a. They discussed such a hot issue.
b. The man carried such heavy suitcases.
c. That was such an amazing car.
d. Ratna is such a smart girl.
e. The new product was such a success.
f. It was such a rainy day, I took an umbrella.
g. He is such a good dancer.
h. It was such a stupid question he refused to answer.
i. She's such a gorgeous girl.
j. It is such an expensive car.
IV. Adjective and Adverb

Adjective adalah kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda (nouns) atau kata ganti (pronouns). Adjectives dapat diletakkan sebelum kata benda atau setelah kata kerja tertentu.

a. She is a beautiful girl.
b. This clock is Switzerland.
c. Jack is a diligent man.
d. This is a true story.
e. She has red hair
f. This is a very long film.
g. I’d like to buy a set of wooden chair.
h. Arrange the sticks in triangle.
i. She pushed the window open.
j. I have got a new book.

Adverb adalah kata yang menerangkan kata kerja, kata sifat, adverbs yang lain atau seluruh kalimat.
a. John arrived early.
b. She dances extremely well.
c. He worked too hard yesterday.
d. The plane is playing low.
e. He speaks German fluently.
f. The water flows continuously.
g. He left the hotel hurriedly.
h. He closed the door gently.
i. She is too young to get married.
j. The garden is very large.

V. Yes and No Question
Yes-No question adalah pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban yes (ya) atau no (tidak).
a. Are you a student? Yes, I am. No, I am not
b. Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. No, she isn not/isn’t
c. Does he go to the post office? Yes, He does. No he doesn’t
d. Do they play football? Yes, they do. No, They don’t
e. Was it cute? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t
f. Were you disappointed yesterday? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t
g. Did he eat the apple? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t
h. Have you got the ticket? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t
i. Shall we go to the swimmingpool tomorrow? Yes, we shall. No we shall not.
j. Will father drive the car? Yes, he will. No he will not(won’t)
k. Should I go alone? Yes, you should. No, You shouldn’t.
l. Can you sing a song? Yes, I can. No, I can’t
m. May I borrow your money? Yes you may. No you may not

VI. A Few and Few
A few digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun) untuk menunjukkan kuantitas yang sedikit dan biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat positif.
a. There is a few books in the bookcase.
b. I have a few books.
c. She has a few friends in the city.
d. I have a few used cloth for the beggar.
e. Have you a few dollars to be borrowed to me?
f. She has been here only two weeks, but she has already made a few friends.
g. A few (of the) paintings in this gallery are really good.
h. There are a few biscuits in the tin.
i. A few customers have come into the shop, It has been quite busy.
j. My bus goes in a few minutes.

Few digunakan dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung untuk menunjukkan kuantitas yang lebih sedikit dari a few dan biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat negatif.
a. I am sad here as I have few friends.
b. Few Englishmen speak Spanish.
c. There are very few good restaurants in this town.
d. There are very few apples on the table.
e. There are very few chairs in the room.
f. He has a few flowers in his garden.
g. Very few people go to the island.
h. The tree has only a few leaves.
i. Mother bought a few potatoes.
j. Very few of them understand him.

VII. Little and a Little

Little digunakan dengan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung untuk menunjukkan kuantitas yang lebih sedikit dari a little dan biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat negatif.
a. I have little money.
b. She doesn’t want to go out as she has little money.
c. Very little rain falls in the Sahara.
d. There is very little ink in this pen.
e. Fate gave him little happiness.
f. He spends very little money.
g. She has so little time to hang out with her friends even in holiday.
h. There is only little water left in the kettle.
i. She has little for breakfast.
j. I drink little coffee.

A little untuk benda yang tak bisa dihitung (uncountable noun) untuk menunjukkan kuantitas yang sedikit dan biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat positif.
a. We need a little salt for the dish.
b. I have a little of sugar to your tea.
c. You have a little of water.
d. You have a little of flour.
e. I have a little drink.
f. There is a little sugar in the bowl.
g. There is a little milk in the bottle.
h. They have only a little food.
i. He drinks a little coffee
j. Listen carefully, I’ve a little information about him to you.

VIII. Because and Because of
Because digunakan sebelum kalimat yang terdapat subjek dan kata kerja (jika berupa kalimat verbal) atau kata bantu (jika berupa kalimat nominal).
a. They pass the exam because they study hard.
b. John loves the cat because it is funny.
c. We decided to stay at home because the weather was bad.
d. She was absent from class because her cold was worse.
e. He blushed because he knew he had been caught out.
f. Because the weather was cold, we stayed home.
g. I study English because I want a good job.
h. I eat a lot of pizza because I like it.
i. Jane was worried because it had started to rain.
j. The students arrived late because there was a traffic jam

Because of digunakan sebelum kata benda (noun), kata ganti milik (possessive pronoun) atau gerund (kata kerja+ing).
a. She is here because of the invitation.
b. Faqih wins the competition because of his intelligence.
c. He has a cough because of smoking.
d. We decided to stay at home because of the weather.
e. She was absent from class because of her cold.
f. We didn’t go to the beach because of the weather.
g. I lost my appetite because of a stomachache.
h. Because of the cold weather, we stayed home.
i. Because of you, I got an accident.
j. Because of the cold weather, we stayed home.

IX. Enought

Dapat berlaku sebagai kata sifat atau kata ganti yang digunakan bersama kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung atau yang tak dapat dihitung.
1. Is that enough
2. There is enough bread for breakfast
3. She has enough flour to make a cake
4. I’ve heard more than enough of the music
5. That girl is clever enough
6. This dress is warm enough to wear
7. This orange is sweet enough to eat
8. Danny is old enough to go to school
9. They sleep enough
10. James reads enough

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